Wrightsville Beach is a great place for a wedding, but you have to think it through. If your planning your wedding at Shell Island Resort no problem as parking is included and the beach is wide, so it'll absorb a lot of people. They also do a great job, as they have reception space and professional cooks and a very attentive staff. If you have connections, you can get married at one of the private clubs on the island. The Surf Club is a great place but it's private and you have to know someone to use it. Another club is The Hanover Seaside Club, again it's private and you have to know someone. The Carolina Yacht Club, again private is a great place. It's ocean front with a semi private beach. Another possible location is the Oceanic Restaurant. Some parking is available and the private room is small, but the view can't be beat. If your planning an Oceanic wedding plan to have dinner while the sun is still out, the room is phenomenal during daylight but when it gets dark it's just another room.
If you decide to rent a private beach house for your wedding, make sure you read the contract carefully as some do not allow weddings, again your going to have parking problems so you might want to hire a shuttle to get people to the house. Also bear in mind that Wrightsville Beach get's very crowded during the season. If your thinking of doing a wedding between Memorial Day and Labor Day there will always be people on the beach. You might consider a sunrise wedding, where parking and crowds are not an issue. Give me a shout if you want to discuss, as these are problems but they can be solved.
Bride and Groom sharing a kiss after their wedding on Wrightsville Beach, NC. Sitting near dune with wedding arbor and beach in the background. Billy Beach Photography.
Beach Wedding Ceremony on Wrightsville Beach at Shell Island Resort. Shell Island Resort in background with sun peaking over roofline. . Billy Beach Photography.
Bride and groom sharing a kiss with their backs to the camera at Shell Island Resort in Wrightsville Beach, NC. Ocean in the background. Billy Beach Photography.
Bride being escorted by her father to her wedding ceremony at access #43 in Wrightsville Beach, NC. Sea Oats in the fore ground and beach houses in the background. Billy Beach Photography.
Newly married bride and groom kissing at access #43 on Wrightsville Beach, NC. Bride holding grooms hat with ocean in the background. Billy Beach Photography.
Bride and groom sharing a kiss under the Oceanic Pier in Wrightsville Beach, NC. Ocean in the background. Billy Beach Photography.
Bride and groom sharing a kiss sitting on a bench near the Oceanic Pier with the Oceanic Restaurant in the background. Billy Beach Photography.